Thursday, May 22, 2008

Too Long....

too long to blog?
thanks Denise for the previous blog. photos that brought back loads of memories

during this time that i was missing, here are some of the updates..

nothing really exciting happened.. =)
went melbourne to work on some projects and do some training at the same time...
NSW won the State of Origin even though they were not the favourites.
and Manchester United, European Champions for the 3rd time.. after a nail-biting match
woke up at 4.30am to watch the match till 8am.. it was a good match.. long since I last watch a good match and a result which favoured me.

As denise had pointed out in , many many things are happening in the world. bad things though.. murder, war, cyclones, sex scandal, earthquake.

hopefully everybody above us can bless us with peace, safety and great health

cheers guys
until next time

*everything happens for a reason, WE made it happened*

1 comment:

Quirkz said...

blog lehz...