Sunday, July 13, 2008

2nd Week July

supposed to be a weekly entry for updates..
missed out on last week. nothing much as well actually. work was good.. boss was on holidays..
this week.. World Youth Day.. for those who doesnt know what is the day or rather the week is about, let me fill you in.
World Youth Day means:
-The Pope is coming!
-Traffic is going to be real bad cos they are closing several roads in the city from 10am to 12 midnight for pilgrims from around the world to have a celebration
-Public are encouraged to leave their car at home and take the public transport. With an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 (that's what they estimated or rather over-estimated) tourists from around the world.. public transport will be stuffed up as well.
- it is going to be a inconvenient week with regards to travelling around Sydney.
I'm gonna set a different target/change my goal for the later part of the year. Which means saving up more money and spending it on something useful, not just on fun, food and petrol.
To those who haven not watched Cloverfield.. Don't watch it..
To those who have yet to watch Hancock.. recommended!
The Dark Knight will be another one I will be watching.. looks good.
Weather is pretty cold over here.. Chilling will be the word for description.
Learning a program call Paramics for the last 2 weeks, traffic modelling program. So far, pretty interesting setting up the network, we'll see once the matric calibration process comes in.
take care everyone, especially my family members! all of you, please take care of urself!

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