Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 2008

almost one month since I last blogged..
not much has happened. loads of projects waiting for me to complete, which means after report after report. But I still can managed, the load is just right. Maybe thats the working culture here. everyone helps each other out. But I cant judge because I haven been working back in Singapore. Maybe you guys can tell me... =)
some stuffs did happened at home.. and also at work. some suffered, some got hurt, some emerged victorious. but the summary is, the issues showed us the truth of each and everyone and how him or her shows her strength or weakness. as my bro says, Life only makes us stronger.
same thing can be said be about me, I've been trying to sell my car and I must say, I'm not doing a good job, not cut out to do sales.. but nevertheless, i hope this gives me the opportunity to learn about this trade.

oh yeah, who can forget Olympics > some of the memories
- great opening ceremony, impressive performance, shows the world the power of having a huge huge population;
- congrats to the Team Singapore who won a table tennis silver against the mighty Chinese. Should I mention that the whole table tennis team are from China. still they get the money. put Singapore on the map;
- Stephanie Rice - glamour swimmer from Australia > being called Special Fried Rice in China;
- Michael Phelps - 8 gold medals out of 8 events. What does defeat or even silver taste like? Never tried Before;
- Germany weightlifter who won gold and the world record and dedicated the win to his wife who passed away in a car crash last year > goose bumps whenever i see the video;
- The Jamaican sprinters.. wowz!
- Takewando sportsman from Cuba kicked a ref.. disgraceful > ought to be ban for life
all right, i think thats it for August.
Take care guys and enjoy Spring!

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