Sunday, September 7, 2008


what a week.. full on at work. too many projects. 2 of my collegues are on leave, clients pushy.. luckily, bosses help out quite a bit. but still, they are bosses, always think that their stuffs are the most urgent. still need to learn the right way of speaking to clients etc. maybe i'm just not familiar with the 'right' technical thing to say. experience and learn.

been raining the whole of Friday and Saturday. So as you can imagine, nothing much on. Decided to go shopping and keep ourselves indoor. Realise that thats what others is pretty much doing as well. Traffic jam around the shopping centre, car parks jam, donkeys taking heaps of time parking, stuffing the traffic out to the car park access. In the shopping centre, humans everywhere, can't even walk without someone right next to you. arghz.. and everything just pisses me off.

realise that's quite a few plans that needs to be fulfil at this stage of my life. or rather OUR life. Denise and I. but time is just running fast away. chop chop. everyday just seems to zoom past. and before you know it, Christmas is here!

hope to sell my car soon. so far, no takers. *prays.

another week before my collegues come back from leave. another week of reporting. shouldnt be as hectic as last week. fingers crossed.. and also for good weather.

cheers everyone.

*everything happens for a reason, it may take you one step forward or one step back depending on the choices made*

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