Saturday, December 20, 2008

back in sg...

back in singapore since last friday..for a month of holidays..
3 more weeks to go.. is has been food food food... more surprising is the number of yum cha's I had and going to have.

Denise is off to Cameron Highlands (Malaysia) and I've been spending time with my family.
festive season next week. Christmas and New year.

Well decorated Orchard Road. But still .. the crowd.. unbearable.. not to mention the weather..
sticky and hot...

however I would love the chance to explore Singapore again. after all the huge development. Flyer, Floating platform etc.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

back sOOn..

packing.. buying .. packing.. Christmas shopping
and getting ready..
this coming Friday..

dad, mum, bro, sis
prata, chilli crab, mee rebus, kway chap, boon tong kee, oyster egg, duck rice..


4 more days...

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Economy Crisis..

maybe work over the week has taken its toll..
when there's no work, that's when everybody relaxes and expects something.
expecting to have entertainment, relaxation, care and concern.

when there is none, we expect a little, when there is a little, we expect more.
since when did anyone sat down and think. Yes, I've satisfied with what I'm having and I'm fortunate to be leading this life. More than one time, that person will be thinking; What is the life that I want, What is the life that I'm leading, is it good enough?

Many a time, I've made the wrong decisions. These wrong decisions brought me to somewhere at this point of time. of course, good decisions brought me to where I am as well.

Different people has different expectations. But as an individual, we should not try to put someone down by telling others that their expectations are not up to scratch. actually, hate those pricks.

Market is not doing well. better buck up everyone or lose out.

is a saturday morning, a beautiful morning. Its not worthwhile to be spending such a lovely day thinking/doing what I'm thinking/doing. But this is life. I chose it and I got a choice to make it better.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Labour Day.. NRL Grand Final

Long weekend for this week due to Labour Day. Stayed up the till the wee hours on Saturday, decided to get buffet breakfast.. =), scrambled eggs, bacon, eggs benedict, crossiant, sausages etc. yumz..
waiting for the kick off for the NRL Grand Final, Manly Sea Eagles vs Melbourne Storm. Go the STORM!!..
anyway, got a parking fine on Friday and manage to escape another one this morning. *phew.
Honda Civic, comfortable driving, good car and very satisfied to it. still got a bit of modification to be done, hopefully by next week. Good Stuff.
Enjoy the October guys! 1.5 months more before I fly home! =)
Good luck for your finals sis!! all the best, remember what I say everytime for exams, calm and let everything flow through to your mind. Prepare well, sleep early and imagine what will happen in the exam halls, be mentally prepared. Don't be caught unexpected. thats the way to go girl.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

buying a car

what a lesson learnt > buying a new car
from initial Mazda 3 to Honda Civic Vti-L

- play the waiting game.. don't worry about that. and let them ask their manager all they want. everyone of them is acting. at the end of the day. all kinds of agents are shits > personal opinion.

- don't just go to one dealership > you will be surprised on the difference they charged for each individual element on the quote.

- important thing > don rush into a decision. make time and let time be on your side. after all, they say, the car is the 2nd largest investment after your home.

- to those who got the money and is just going for their car after one test drive > sorry dudes.. you missed out on one important lesson in life. just read somewhere > crash a beetle, get a BMW, crash a BMW, get a Lamborghini. enough said

anyway, I hope to get to a decision this weekend.. should be all right.
take care all!

Thursday, September 11, 2008

when is Friday coming? life seems slow when taking public transport..
is only end of Wednesday.. Thursday gonna be draggy....

Happy BirthDay Bro.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Mitsubishi Mirage Max

sold my car (Max) for a reasonable price yesterday night. technically, it was my 2nd car. However, it was my 1st reliable car, and it did serve me well over the past year. Can't really bear to let it go when I finally done the deal. on the other hand, I was hoping someone would get it for me quick because the registration is expiring soon at the end of the month.

I guess time will 'heal' how I feel for the car. It was really good, reliable would always be the word to use for Max. Wollongong trips, site visits, trips to nowhere. I can't explain how I'm feeling. I can't even explain why I'm feeling like this. Guess as Mei Ching says, money sometimes can't buy everything. At least, I understand how does it feel.

Sold it to a owner living just 5 minutes away from me. donno whether isit a good thing or not. Seems like someone will drive sensibly with Max. Speaking about this, her last car got written off. hmmmm... but I'm comfortable letting the car go with her. There are some small little things to regret before/during/after the transaction (work late, stamp duty etc.).

anyway, gotta sell the old car before I get a new one. Now that I've been a seller, is time to be a buyer. Hopefully, no regrets for this time and to make the right decisions, together.

feeling not the best at the moment, and work did not make it better. Until the new car arrives, is buses and trains for us.

Sunday, September 7, 2008


what a week.. full on at work. too many projects. 2 of my collegues are on leave, clients pushy.. luckily, bosses help out quite a bit. but still, they are bosses, always think that their stuffs are the most urgent. still need to learn the right way of speaking to clients etc. maybe i'm just not familiar with the 'right' technical thing to say. experience and learn.

been raining the whole of Friday and Saturday. So as you can imagine, nothing much on. Decided to go shopping and keep ourselves indoor. Realise that thats what others is pretty much doing as well. Traffic jam around the shopping centre, car parks jam, donkeys taking heaps of time parking, stuffing the traffic out to the car park access. In the shopping centre, humans everywhere, can't even walk without someone right next to you. arghz.. and everything just pisses me off.

realise that's quite a few plans that needs to be fulfil at this stage of my life. or rather OUR life. Denise and I. but time is just running fast away. chop chop. everyday just seems to zoom past. and before you know it, Christmas is here!

hope to sell my car soon. so far, no takers. *prays.

another week before my collegues come back from leave. another week of reporting. shouldnt be as hectic as last week. fingers crossed.. and also for good weather.

cheers everyone.

*everything happens for a reason, it may take you one step forward or one step back depending on the choices made*

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

August 2008

almost one month since I last blogged..
not much has happened. loads of projects waiting for me to complete, which means after report after report. But I still can managed, the load is just right. Maybe thats the working culture here. everyone helps each other out. But I cant judge because I haven been working back in Singapore. Maybe you guys can tell me... =)
some stuffs did happened at home.. and also at work. some suffered, some got hurt, some emerged victorious. but the summary is, the issues showed us the truth of each and everyone and how him or her shows her strength or weakness. as my bro says, Life only makes us stronger.
same thing can be said be about me, I've been trying to sell my car and I must say, I'm not doing a good job, not cut out to do sales.. but nevertheless, i hope this gives me the opportunity to learn about this trade.

oh yeah, who can forget Olympics > some of the memories
- great opening ceremony, impressive performance, shows the world the power of having a huge huge population;
- congrats to the Team Singapore who won a table tennis silver against the mighty Chinese. Should I mention that the whole table tennis team are from China. still they get the money. put Singapore on the map;
- Stephanie Rice - glamour swimmer from Australia > being called Special Fried Rice in China;
- Michael Phelps - 8 gold medals out of 8 events. What does defeat or even silver taste like? Never tried Before;
- Germany weightlifter who won gold and the world record and dedicated the win to his wife who passed away in a car crash last year > goose bumps whenever i see the video;
- The Jamaican sprinters.. wowz!
- Takewando sportsman from Cuba kicked a ref.. disgraceful > ought to be ban for life
all right, i think thats it for August.
Take care guys and enjoy Spring!

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Hunter Valley trip

My goal to continue travelling to another part of the world:
Hunter Valley trip last Saturday.
Finally, had the chance to travel up north to the wine county of new south wales.
not a bad experience, get to see country life and also experience wine tasting, beer tasting, cheese tasting and a chocolate festival.
With a better planning, I'm sure it would be better next time. 2nd time again.sadly.
is a good trip nevertheless.. Ski Trip next..
enjoy the photos.....

beer tasting


wine tasting @ Tulloch

Hunter Valley Gardens for the Chocolate Festival

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Cardno Masquerade Dinner

went to my company's annual dinner last week. some photos taken at Inter-Continental Hotel Sydney.
had great fun and the food was all right. and thanks Denise for being my partner for the night. She even made the matching masks for us!


Sunday, July 13, 2008

2nd Week July

supposed to be a weekly entry for updates..
missed out on last week. nothing much as well actually. work was good.. boss was on holidays..
this week.. World Youth Day.. for those who doesnt know what is the day or rather the week is about, let me fill you in.
World Youth Day means:
-The Pope is coming!
-Traffic is going to be real bad cos they are closing several roads in the city from 10am to 12 midnight for pilgrims from around the world to have a celebration
-Public are encouraged to leave their car at home and take the public transport. With an estimated 250,000 to 500,000 (that's what they estimated or rather over-estimated) tourists from around the world.. public transport will be stuffed up as well.
- it is going to be a inconvenient week with regards to travelling around Sydney.
I'm gonna set a different target/change my goal for the later part of the year. Which means saving up more money and spending it on something useful, not just on fun, food and petrol.
To those who haven not watched Cloverfield.. Don't watch it..
To those who have yet to watch Hancock.. recommended!
The Dark Knight will be another one I will be watching.. looks good.
Weather is pretty cold over here.. Chilling will be the word for description.
Learning a program call Paramics for the last 2 weeks, traffic modelling program. So far, pretty interesting setting up the network, we'll see once the matric calibration process comes in.
take care everyone, especially my family members! all of you, please take care of urself!

Saturday, June 28, 2008


if there is week to be forgotten, I don't mind that to be last week.
it was a long long week, where almost everything that I did at work went the wrong way.
not that there were a lot of tasks to do, but I've got a few proposals, a lunchtime presentation and a traffic modelling job to handle.
proposals is never my thing till today. I really hope I can improve in that aspect. And the boss was not exactly helpful for last week as well. Anyway, I'm done with that, I'm done with June.
Pay day soon and hope for a much better 2nd half of the year.
Btw, Lunchtime presentation was all right. Once again, all thanks to the patience and guidance of Denise. pulled through this one. It was a session on the training I had whilst I was in Melbourne. Designing of Car Park.
Brother proposed last saturday. in a very romantic way. If you are reading this. good on you Bro. Time for preparation for the big day. never too early to start. Gotta save up first though!
Life in Australia is still all right. apart from missing my family and not nagging my dad about his knee, everything down under is not too bad at the moment.
FEAR, when somethings go wrong, it has to be due to Fear, at least for me.. I've got to overcome that and I think that's where I'm going to improve as a person.
Anyways, good luck to all.
Grandma> take care of your leg;
Dad> take care of your leg;
Bro> take care of your leg;
Mum> take care of urself to take care of them;
Sis> take care of urself to take care of mum to take care of them and enjoy your after-exams period. I can sense more TPH is coming;
Me> I will take care of myself, not to worry for those at home; and
Denise> take care of me to take care of you.
"all things happens for a reason, i hope I can find the reason for last week's event"!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Too Long....

too long to blog?
thanks Denise for the previous blog. photos that brought back loads of memories

during this time that i was missing, here are some of the updates..

nothing really exciting happened.. =)
went melbourne to work on some projects and do some training at the same time...
NSW won the State of Origin even though they were not the favourites.
and Manchester United, European Champions for the 3rd time.. after a nail-biting match
woke up at 4.30am to watch the match till 8am.. it was a good match.. long since I last watch a good match and a result which favoured me.

As denise had pointed out in , many many things are happening in the world. bad things though.. murder, war, cyclones, sex scandal, earthquake.

hopefully everybody above us can bless us with peace, safety and great health

cheers guys
until next time

*everything happens for a reason, WE made it happened*

Friday, May 2, 2008

Why do Things Happen?

#Entry was done on behalf of Clement Lim,
by Denise Lee who did this Just-For-Fun!!
Refer to Disclaimer at the bottom of this entry.
Thank you.

Why do Birds stay on trees and shit on cars?
[Parrot on the tree]

Why is it COLD when it rains?
[Great Ocean Road]

Why are Men told to carry their own responsibilities?
[Mornington Beach House]

Why are we always surrounded by Crazy people?
[Crazy AH! Denise]
Why do girls adore flowers? & Why flowers are expensive?

Why can't we pick our noses in public?
[Gold Coast Wax Museum]

I want to Break Free!!

Why do people bite other people's head off?
[Shark Bite]

Why do Mess occur?

Why do we lose monies in Casinoes?
[Canberra Casino]

Why does drinking makes us do silly things?
[TANK nightclub]

Why is fishing fun? Is fishing fun??

Why does Love make you do stupid things?
[Stupid Things]

Why does Food tastes sooo Good??
[4 Seasons Seafood Buffet]

No picture for this last one... Why are we Fat???

"Everything happens for a Reason, WE made it happened." [inclusive the fat issue]

Disclaimer: The information on this entry is current at the date of publication but may be subject to change. LavaNationz does not warrant or represent that the information on this entry is free from errors. LavaNationz accepts no responsibility for any loss, damage, cost or expense (whether direct or indirect) incurred by you as a result of this entry. LavaNationz accepts no responsibility or liability in respect of any material on any website which is not under its control. Ha! Bullshit... you're actually readin' this??

Friday, March 21, 2008

When we were young.....

just memories from old school days..

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Singapore 2008

back down under in Sydney spending 3 weeks in Singapore n Penang. It was good trip. Spent loads of time with my family after not being back with them for 1.5 years in Singapore.

Singapore is all about eating isn't it. Was quite disappointed at first when I couldnt find BeanCurd King at Geylang at the old location. Fear not, with our (denise and myself) determination, we managed to find its new location - Geylang Lorong 27A. had a fantastic time eating and gaining 4 kgs. jalan kayu prata, chicken rice, penang laksa, mee pok, more importantly, able to once again taste mum's great cooking > Pig's Stomach Soup, Tomato Fried Fish and Ginger Soya Sauce Chicken.

once again, thanks to everyone who took the effort from work commitments to meet up with me and many apologies to those I din have the time to meet up with. Glad that you guys are doing very well, remember me when you guys are getting married!

Also, the Penang trip was very fruitful. One of Denise's friend, Ziqing got married and we were able to witness the traditional wedding ceremony and the dinner was great. full of sparks and emotions as well. *winkz
Many thanks to Ching Wern for bringing us around to savour the best Ice Kacang, Hokkien Mee, Char Kway Teow, Chendol in Penang.

Singapore has certainly changed a lot. I'm proud of some, yet there are some which did not gain my support. for example, the building of 2 casinos in one country. hmmm.. more comments will be posted on . sigh**

was fortunate enough to take the A380 back and forth Sydney. Very good entertainment and got some awesome services for both my journeys. Thanks to some very friendly staff on board.

what i like best about the trip was my graduation studio photo taking session. I reckon the photos will not turn out as good as expected, but we had a great time, laughing and enjoying the session. Dinner at Swensen's after that was good too. Its always hard to have a family together, laughing and sharing 2 Earthquakes Ice Cream! yummY!

back to worK in Sydney. Not doing much. still adjusting to the body clock!

take care guys!!

until the next posts...

*everything happens for a reason, WE made it haPpEnEd**

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Singapore Public Transport: Cabs

Waited for 15 minutes before decided to call a cab yesterday at Raffles City Shopping Centre. 85% of the people that waited @ the taxi stand called for a cab. Taxi Stand should be re-defined. it is not a location to wait for cabs to come to you. It is a location for called cabs to know where to pick up their passengers.

Personally, I think it is rather unfair to the passengers for taxis "loitering" around the CBD area, not waiting to pick up passengers, but waiting to press that "$3.50" button on the screen in front of them. yes, as I found out yesterday, many cabs are able pick us 5-7 minutes after we made the cab call. Cabs who got played out did not even want to pick up passengers waiting @ the taxi stand. off they go to their pressing game again.

Both of us happily hopped onto the cab. extra charges $6.50. What? before I can figure out what other extra charges are there, the metre has already reach 3 bucks. thats already $9.50. your seats are not even warm yet. Uncle was all right, not the usual grumpy one, upon asking, $3 is an extra charge for services within the CBD from 5pm to 12 midnight. the W word came up again. WHAT!!!! and after 12, there's this midnight charge. i thought to myself: THIS IS HOME, TRULY.

Foreigners says that our cab fare is one of the cheapest in the world. Countries like Australia has the metre increasing like your heart rate. but here back home. Sorry guys, the heart is already pumped before you are on the cab.

Public Transport Planners: Is this scheme suppose to benefit taxi drivers or the passengers? is it suppose to encourage drivers to enter CBD area. CBD area should be somewhere accessible, not somewhere forcing passengers to make that call. or is it suppose to increase the use of buses and MRTs. I guess we will never know the answer, I hope those people making the decisions know the real answers, I'm sure they will never be in our situation. cos they own big cars. Guess at the end of the day, We, the Citizens of Singapore just want to get home safely everyday.
No reason is needed which makes your job here much easier. Just have to answer to the top guys

to own car, you need a COE
to take a cab, you need to pay EOC > Extra Ordinary Charges.
better stick back to trains and buses

"good" on you singapore, continue to impressed the outside world with casinos, terminals and airplanes. because no one knows the inside world YET! Congrats.

Sunday, February 17, 2008

I'm Back

after an anxious wait on Krispy Kremes
after a 8 hours flight from Sydney on the A380.
after watching 3 full movies: The Kingdom, Rush Hour 3 and The Game Plan.

I'm BACK finally after 1.5 years.

Singapore has really changed over the past 2 years.. more traffic both vehicles and human.
more variety of shops. went to Vivo City yesterday. It was huge. we just didnt know where was the entry and exit!

Saw the new Jack Neo movie. not exactly what I expected, but if he is trying to film something similar to Infernal Affairs or Sin City. I'll be very disappointed. Stick back to what you are doing, just like what you did for Money No Enough. on the good side, Fann Wong is still as stunning even as a tomboy.

All right guys, drop me a msg or email me for my new temporary number.
hope to see you guys soon.. this time is for real =)


Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Sydney FC vs Melbourne Victory

4 teams are locked at 31 points at the top of the ladder with one match to go.
so there we go, bought tickets to last round of A-league match on Sunday between Sydney FC vs Melbourne Victory.
went there early, found free parking.
We decided to sit near to the corner flag to catch a glimpse of the Brazilian World Cup winner Juninho. scorching hot.. sitting under the sun for almost an hr, and just before the kick off, a large cloud appear and provided some shade. what perfect timing!

not exactly a thrilling match but at least we saw 4 goals, 2 a piece for each team. it was pouring at half time for around 15 minutes, we were drenched. and before we know it, the sun is there again. out came the sunnies to watch the action for the last 10 minutes.

it was a good experience, at least we were part of the record crowd of 33,000+ for an A-league match